March 16thCMU Bulletin Announcements March 16, 2025
CMU Bulletin Announcements
March 16, 2025
The MHC Gallery: “The Poetry of Painting” – You are invited to an exhibition that combines art and poetry and allows viewers to observe the works, read the poems, and be an audience to others’ responses. The exhibition runs until Saturday, March 22. Visit for more information.
20th Annual Verna Mae Janzen Music Competition – CMU’s 20th annual event showcasing the work of CMU music students takes place Thursday, March 20 at 7:00 PM. The concert will feature competition finalists Jacob Kenny, Julia Norris, Allison Ong, Shanley Vogan, and Stefanie Zacharias. Visit for more information.
CMU Press: Buy One, Give One – CMU Press reached its 50th anniversary in 2024. It has produced over 100 books since its inception. To celebrate, CMU will donate a book to charity for every CMU Press title purchased from CommonWord between January and March. Visit for more information.
CMU Press Book Launch: New & Selected Poems of John Weier and David Waltner-Toews – Join us on Friday, March 21 at McNally Robinson Booksellers (1120 Grant Ave.) for the launch of two new books in the Lyrik Poetry Series from CMU Press: New & Selected Poems of John Weier (Lyrik Poetry Series 2) and David Waltner-Toews (Lyrik Poetry Series 3). Featuring readings and a conversation hosted by Sarah Ens. Visit for more information.
Book Launch and Discussion | The Service of Faith: An Ethnography of Mennonites and Development – You are invited to a roundtable discussion with author, Dr Philip Fountain on Tuesday, March 25 at Marpeck Commons by 7:00 PM. Dr Fountain will explore diverse ways Mennonite convictions permeate MCC’s work in Indonesia. Visit for more information.