What We Do

Mennonite Church British Columbia (MCBC) is a faith community of Christian churches who are called by God to be followers of Jesus Christ and to grow, by the power of the Holy Spirit, as communities of grace, joy, and peace so that God’s healing and hope flow through us to the world.

Ministry: Centred on Jesus | Accomplished by Congregations

Our collective ministry is centred on Jesus who, by the Holy Spirit, works through our local, missional congregations. Our congregations both call us to particular ministries and provide the volunteer ministers to organize and do the work. MCBC’s collective ministry is organised around three key themes - cultivating Anabaptist vision, engaging God's world, and growing community. Each of the three ministry areas has related ministry task groups and committees.

MCBC's three key ministry areas
(coloured-coded to our ministry diagram at the bottom)
with task groups and committees listed 
(if name is underlined then it links to relevant webpage - more added as developed)

Cultivating Anabaptist Vision

Camp Squeah

Columbia Bible College

Faith in Today's Church

Intercultural Church Task Group

Engaging God’s World

Church Revitalization and Planting (Funds Discernment) 

Indigenous Relations Task Group

Palestine-Israel Network Task Group

Creation Care Task Group

Affordable Housing Task Group

MC Canada Nationwide 

International Witness 

Mennonite Central Committee BC

Growing Community

Calling and Credentialing Task Group

Pastoral Care and Development

- Annual Ministers Retreat 

- Transition in Ministry Program 

- Company of 1000 education grants 

- Counseling, Spiritual direction, Etc. Referals 

 Youth and Young Adult Ministries 

Connecting Women

Ministry Support (Regional and Congregation)

Leadership Board and Executive

Executive Minister/Bishop - Vision generativity, implementation, organizational leadership, pastor and congregational support.

Finance Committee and Investment Management



Church Engagement (Resource Generation, safe spaces, International Witness)

MCBC Ministry Diagram
(click here for high resolution picture - opens in separate window)