Palestine - Israel Network (PIN)

The Mennonite Church BC Palestine and Israel Network (MCBC PIN) is a network of individuals who seek to promote a just peace in the Holy Land.

Our mandate is aligned with the resolution on Palestine and Israel that was passed at the Mennonite Church Canada 2016 Assembly, in response to the call of Palestinian Christians.

In keeping with the activities of the resolution, the MCBC PIN seeks to:

  • stimulate prayer, education, and advocacy action in our congregations,
  • collaborate with Canadian Jews, Palestinians, and church-related bodies advocating for justice and dignity for all in Palestine and Israel,
  • promote support for international law and human rights in Israel and Palestine by engaging our government representatives, and
  • discourage economic practices and policies that help perpetuate the oppression of Palestinians under Israeli occupation.

We invite your participation with the MCBC PIN.  To join a distribution list for updates, simply send your email address to Jon Nofziger.

Pray | Learn | Advocate

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Since the Israeli invasion of Rafah, access to food and aid in Gaza has been further restricted, compounding threats of starvation and malnourishment faced by an already weary population. Latest estimates state that 3,500 children are at risk of dying from malnourishment. Furthermore, the UN and other aid agencies say transfer of goods from the US built pier to Gazans remains suspended due to the Israeli military usage of that area in the hostage rescue that took place a few weeks ago.

• Good God, where are you amidst the man-made famine in Gaza? Do you see what is happening? Lord, “Have you eyes of flesh? Do you see as man sees?” (Job 10:4). Amidst our lament, we ask you to cast away the miserable comforters who increase the pain of the oppressed by offering words of false optimism. Help us with our faith, help us with our witness, help us see your face and participate in the work of your revolutionary love.

Lord in your mercy… hear our prayer

Last week, several theologians and faith leaders from across the world produced a letter titled “The Gaza Call: An Open Letter to Christian Leaders, Churches, and Theologians in the West”. This letter expresses grief about the Church’s silence considering the immense suffering documented in Gaza and urges Christian leaders, the Western Church, and theologians to take action.  

• Incarnated Christ, we thank you for all the brave prophetic voices internationally, and we remember that they are blessed because they hunger for righteousness. Lord, give us discernment to know when to shake the dust off our feet, and when to sow our seeds of revolutionary love. More importantly, as we struggle for goodness, grant us humility so that we do not fall into temptations of pride and self-righteousness.

Lord in your mercy… hear our prayer

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Click the following link to watch the documentary. The Law & The Prophets

Click the following link to register for the online discussion. Online Discussion Group


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Pressure Israel to end starvation in Gaza!


The International Court of Justice (ICJ) ordered Israel to prevent genocide by ending its restrictions on aid into Gaza. For months, UN experts have warned of the risk of imminent famine in Gaza, as Israel deliberately uses starvation as a weapon of war against Palestinians. For the past six months, little to no food, clean water or fuel has entered Gaza, leading to high levels of hunger and malnutrition. People are starving to death.

While Canada has pledged financial aid for humanitarian relief, this has not addressed the central problem: Israel’s blockade. More than 2 million people in Gaza are at risk, as starvations and famine are spreading. Canada must put meaningful pressure on Israel to end its siege and allow the entry of aid into Gaza.

Add your voice by sending an email to the Prime Minister, federal leaders and your MP.

You can send your own message or use the form at

End Starvation In Gaza



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