May 10th2023 MCBC Women's Day
What a blessing Saturday, May 6th’s Women's Day was when 53 ladies gathered to worship with the Women’s Ministry Worship Team (Cheryl, Carla, Dorothy, & Elly), be encouraged by MC Christina Barkman and speakers, Cyndi Nickerson and Marie Haak, as they shared their story. Both speakers emphasized that God is in your journey and you need your "tribe" - be sure to share your journey with those around you - do not go it alone. We had 6 children looked after by the fabulous Richardson Family so Mom’s with young children could attend. We enjoyed a progressive brunch prepared/served by Ingried and Irene from Emmanuel with Brooke Richardson pitching in to help. The offering saw $1387.55 donated which is shared equally by Camp Squeah, Sardis Doorway, and MC Canada Myanmar Emergency Relief.
Plan now to attend next year’s event on May 4, 2024 – theme and location TBA.
Put the Ladies Retreat on your calendar for October 20-22, 2023 at Camp Squeah.