Historical Sketch: Peace Community Church*
Peace Community Church was a daughter congregation of Crossroads Community Church. They held their first service on February 28, 1998 with a core group of 21 adults and 125 people in attendance. They met on Saturday evenings at Vedder Road Elementary School in the Sardis area. The congregation joined the Conference of Mennonites in British Columbia in June 1998. The church was led by Brian & Deb Ens, and they were joined by Dan & Darlene Wollf as “Church Planters in Training.”
The congregation was supported financially by several churches including Crossroads, Emmanuel Mennonite, and Yarrow United Mennonite.
While new people were added to the church, some of the original core group members left for a variety of reasons. This put a strain on those who remained. Young couples and young families dominated the group demographically and lacked the time and energy to carry on.
The congregation closed in June 2000.